Membership Requirements – Any persons over the age of eighteen years with appropriate formal training in the business administration discipline shall be eligible for membership of the community and shall, subject to the approval of the Institute.
Those who have general education and business training, have experience as an Executive Assistant or Administrative Professional and who are employed in such function or a related field, at the time of application.
Those who have general education and business training, have experience as an executive or administrative office professional and who are unemployed or if employed but self- sponsoring their membership at the time of application.
Student Members are those who provide proof on an annual basis of fulltime enrollment in a post-secondary institution and who, in the opinion of the Institute, are deemed to be worthy of membership in the Institute, but do not yet meet the criteria for Individual or Corporate Membership. A Student Member may serve on a committee, but may not serve on the Advisory Board and does not have voting privileges and must qualify for Individual or Corporate Membership within four (4) years.
Members reaching the age of fifty-five (55) who are no longer actively employed in the workforce shall be classified as Retired Members and shall have the same membership rights as Individual Members.
Subscription Fees
Fees for the 2022/2023 membership year are as follows:
1-3 membersCorporate
4-6 membersCorporate
7+ membersIndividual
Student Members
Retired Members
Membership Refusal and Termination
- Membership shall not be granted to any person known to be interested in the overthrow of the Government of this country.
- Membership may be terminated by the Institute on receipt of substantial evidence, indicating fraud, disclosure of the Institute’s business or any other action not in keeping with the Association’s standards.
- Membership may be terminated after failure to pay annual subscriptions for two consecutive years.
- The interest of a member is not transferable and ceases to exist upon death or when he/she ceases to be a member by resignation or otherwise.