Monthly Webinar Series
Being part of IEA-Africa Community means taking advantage of the learning opportunities available online on a monthly basis for 3 hours. The Institute is pleased to introduce a webinar series free for all members to attend on a monthly basis. Non-Members can also attend for $35.00 USD or MWK60, 000.00 per webinar. Contact us today at for a lineup of the monthly webinars.
Log In – To access you complimentary Sessions
Date | Workshop Title | Non-Members Fees (MWK) |
January 16 | Personal Finance Management - Mastering your financial freedom | 60,000.00 PP |
February 12 | Harnessing the Power of AI to exceed expectations in your Organization | 60,000.00 PP |
March 13 | Dealing with the Imposter Syndrome | 60,000.00 PP |
April 16 | Work-life Balance and Mental Wellbeing | 60,000.00 PP |
May 15 | Understanding Organization Politics: Navigating Dynamics within Organizations | 60,000.00 PP |
June 25 | Conflict Resolution: Techniques For Managing & Resolving Conflicts and Fostering Collaboration at Work Place | 60,000.00 PP |
July 17 | Effective Communication Skills and Creative Negotiation Skills | 60,000.00 PP |
August 6 | Personal Mastery and Emotional Intelligence | 60,000.00 PP |
September 10 | Professional Business Etiquette and Social Media Reputation Management | 60,000.00 PP |
October 8 | Career Development Strategies: Planning for Personal & Professional Growth | 60,000.00 PP |
November 13 | Achieving Leadership Excellence by Creating your Personal Brand | 60,000.00 PP |
December 11 | Goal Setting and Reset | 60,000.00 PP |